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SEAS Program Syllabus


Math-English-Science-History classes taught within the walls of the SEAS program are designed to expose students not quite ready for general education rigor to grade level instruction using district curriculum. Each class will be a combination of direct instruction and on-line learning driven by Google Classroom Technology. Students will log into their Google accounts and will receive instructions, assignments and work collaboratively based on what instructions they are given in the daily agenda.



Students are graded on a 5 point scale with each student receiving 2 points for completion of an additional point is given for satisfactory mastery, and additional points given for strong and perfect mastery. 5 points total means the student was perfect, 4 points means they were mostly accurate and 3 points means they were average in their mastery of each assignment. Points are then added and grades are given on the following scale: 90%-A, 80% -B, 70% -C and 60% -D. Students may make up and do assignments over as needed and as encouraged by the instruction. D’s and F’s within the program are rare and an indicator that the student has repeatedly refused to do the work on a regular basis.  As a parent you will be notified of this well in advance for the purposes of problem solving and accountability.



From time to time students will be assigned homework that they will actually need to work on at home. This will be done through Google Classroom and if the student does not have computer/internet access at home. Substitute assignments will be given. Late Homework is generally accepted due to the nature of the needs in the program. Students will receive homework 2-3x a week.



Tests are given at the end of each unit and students are allowed to take as much time as they need to complete any test. If the student continues to go past the allotted time frame, the test will be stopped and further review and preparation given. Scores are given based on the scoring rubric described in the above mentioned GRADING POLICY.



Regular attendance is required of all students in the SEAS program. If attendance becomes an issue the IEP team will meet to discuss an intervention program and/or change of placement options.



The SEAS program utilizes a token economy to address behavioral challenges. Rewards are given for positive school based behaviors such as: Completion of assignments, on-task behaviors, ignoring negativity and appropriate communication/language. Through these behaviors, currency is earned and levels are given which allow students to access free time, computer time, physical education, gaming time, minor food items and social time. Please feel free to email myself –  or with any questions regarding any of these topics.

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